- Коммутаторы Cisco (1574)
- Catalyst 6500, 6500E (77)
- Коммутаторы Catalyst 6500 (9)
- Catalyst 6500 шасси (13)
- Catalyst 6500E шасси (6)
- Catalyst 6500 модули управления (12)
- Модули WS-X61xx (6)
- Модули WS-X63xx (1)
- Модули WS-X64xx (2)
- Модули WS-X65xx (7)
- Модули WS-X67xx (10)
- Модули WS-X68xx (7)
- Модули WS-X69xx (4)
- Catalyst 6800 (13)
- Catalyst 9200 (24)
- Catalyst 9300 (16)
- Catalyst 9400 (6)
- Catalyst 9500 (22)
- Catalyst 2940 (2)
- Catalyst 2950 (7)
- Catalyst 2955 (2)
- Catalyst 2960 (21)
- Catalyst 2960-C (9)
- Catalyst 2960-L (12)
- Catalyst 2960-S (18)
- Catalyst 2960-SF (5)
- Catalyst 2960-Plus (11)
- Catalyst 2960-X (14)
- Catalyst 2960-XR (13)
- Catalyst 2970 (2)
- Catalyst 3500XL (5)
- Catalyst 3550 (7)
- Catalyst 3560 (19)
- Catalyst 3560-C (11)
- Catalyst 3560E (16)
- Catalyst 3560X (21)
- Catalyst 3560V2 (5)
- Catalyst 3650 (73)
- Catalyst 3750 (36)
- Catalyst 3750-E (6)
- Catalyst 3750X (27)
- Catalyst 3750V2 (0)
- Catalyst 3850 (60)
- Catalyst 4500, 4500E (57)
- Коммутаторы Catalyst 4500 (12)
- Catalyst 4500 шасси (6)
- Catalyst 4500E шасси (7)
- Catalyst 4500 модули управления (11)
- Модули WS-X41xx (2)
- Модули WS-X42xx (1)
- Модули WS-X43xx (1)
- Модули WS-X44xx (4)
- Модули WS-X45xx (3)
- Модули WS-X46xx (6)
- Модули WS-X47xx (4)
- Catalyst 4500X (10)
- Catalyst 4900 (16)
- Коммутаторы и комплектующие Catalyst (133)
- Industrial Ethernet (128)
- ME Series (18)
- Cisco Nexus 1000 (2)
- Cisco Nexus 2000 (26)
- Cisco Nexus 3000 (59)
- Cisco Nexus 5000 (37)
- Cisco Nexus 6000 (20)
- Cisco Nexus 7000 (35)
- Cisco Nexus 9000 (23)
- Комплектующие и лицензии Nexus (151)
- Cisco Meraki Series (31)
- Cisco Small Business (243)
- Cisco C1000 (25)
- Catalyst 6500, 6500E (77)
- Коммутаторы Juniper (235)
- EX (160)
- QFX (71)
- Коммутаторы QFX3000 (2)
- Коммутаторы QFX3500 (9)
- Коммутаторы QFX3600 (6)
- Коммутаторы QFX5100 (34)
- Коммутаторы QFX5200 (8)
- Коммутаторы QFX10000 (12)
- Модули Juniper QFX (0)
- Juniper OCX Series (4)
- Коммутаторы Huawei (267)
- CloudEngine 5800 (10)
- CloudEngine 6800 (14)
- CloudEngine 7800 (5)
- CloudEngine 8800 (6)
- CloudEngine 12800 (12)
- Коммутаторы S1700 (39)
- Коммутаторы S2700 (18)
- Коммутаторы S3700 (13)
- Коммутаторы S5700 (113)
- Коммутаторы S6700 (22)
- Коммутаторы S7700 (8)
- Коммутаторы S9700 (3)
- Коммутаторы S12700 (4)
- Коммутаторы Extreme (123)
- Extreme Networks Summit X430 (4)
- Extreme Networks Summit X440 (12)
- Extreme Networks Summit X450 (8)
- Extreme Networks Summit X460 (16)
- Extreme Networks Summit X480 (6)
- Extreme Networks Summit X620 (4)
- Extreme Networks Summit X670 (12)
- Extreme Networks Summit X770 (6)
- Extreme Networks A-series (6)
- Extreme Networks B-Series (8)
- Extreme Networks C-Series (9)
- Extreme Networks 200-Series (12)
- Extreme Networks 800-Series (10)
- Extreme Networks 7100-Series (7)
- Extreme Networks BlackDiamond (3)
- Коммутаторы MikroTik (12)
- Коммутаторы NSGate (35)
- Коммутаторы Nis-3500 (11)
- Коммутатор Nis-3200 (12)
- Nic-3200 (8)
- Коммутаторы DAS (4)
- Коммутаторы Aruba (HPE) (54)
- Оптические модули Cisco (9)
- Видеоконференцсвязь (154)
- Cisco TelePresence (154)
- Беспроводная связь (439)
- Беспроводная связь Cisco (345)
- AP 300 Series (4)
- AP 500 Series (2)
- AP 700 Series (6)
- AP 1040 Series (46)
- AP 1130 Series (6)
- AP 1140 Series (7)
- AP 1240 Series (6)
- AP 1250 Series (7)
- AP 1260 Series (3)
- AP 1310 Series (4)
- AP 1410 Series (1)
- AP 1520 Series (2)
- AP 1530 Series (2)
- AP 1540 Series (2)
- AP 1550 Series (7)
- AP 1560 Series (3)
- AP 1570 Series (3)
- AP 1700 Series (2)
- AP 1815 Series (7)
- AP 1830 Series (2)
- AP 1850 Series (4)
- AP 2600 Series (3)
- AP 2700 Series (4)
- AP 2800 Series (8)
- AP 3500 Series (8)
- AP 3600 Series (4)
- AP 3700 Series (8)
- AP 3800 Series (12)
- Cisco WLAN Controllers (45)
- Meraki Series (7)
- Беспроводная связь Juniper (24)
- Беспроводная связь Mikrotik (16)
- Точки доступа (16)
- Беспроводная связь Aruba (53)
- Точки доступа Aruba (40)
- Контроллеры Aruba (13)
- Беспроводная связь Huawei (1)
- Беспроводная связь Cisco (345)
- Wireless Cisco (1)
- Межсетевые экраны Cisco (164)
- Cisco ASA Series (69)
- Cisco Firepower Series (45)
- Межсетевые экраны Juniper (97)
- Межсетевые экраны SRX100, SRX110 (3)
- SRX220, SRX240 (9)
- SRX300, SRX320, SRX340 (17)
- Межсетевые экраны SRX550 (5)
- SRX650 (3)
- Межсетевые экраны SRX1400, SRX1500 (12)
- SRX3400, SRX3600 (6)
- Межсетевые экраны SRX4000 (11)
- SRX5400, SRX5600, SRX5800 (17)
- Juniper SSG Series (14)
- Уплотнение CWDM/DWDM (15)
- Модули SFP+, XFP, CWDM SFP+, DWDM SFP+ (98)
- Модули SFP+ (19)
- Модули XFP (13)
- Модули CWDM SFP+ (45)
- Модули DWDM SFP+ (21)
- Модули (2297)
- Модули Cisco (1220)
- Оптические трансиверы Cisco (300)
- Интерфейсные модули Cisco (234)
- Сетевые модули Cisco (38)
- Процессорные модули Cisco (27)
- Кабели Cisco (77)
- Аксессуары и комплектующие Cisco (167)
- Модули Juniper (594)
- Модули NSGate (43)
- Модули Extreme (40)
- Оптические модули Extreme (27)
- Кабели Extreme (13)
- Модули Cisco (1220)
- VoIP / Телефония (244)
- Серверы (1630)
- Серверы HP (9)
- DL360 G5, DL380 G5 (4)
- DL360 G6, DL380 G6 (2)
- DL160 G6, DL180 G6 (2)
- ML350 G5 (1)
- Серверы HP Proliant (154)
- HP Proliant DL (110)
- HP Proliant ML (38)
- HP Proliant MicroServer (6)
- Серверы HP BladeSystem (30)
- HP ProLiant BL (24)
- HP Proliant WS (1)
- HP BladeSystems c3000/c7000 (5)
- Серверы DELL (18)
- Серверы Supermicro (98)
- Серверные платформы Supermicro начального уровня (9)
- Серверные платформы Supermicro 19'' 1U (36)
- Серверные платформы Supermicro 19'' 2U (24)
- Серверные платформы Supermicro 19'' 3U (2)
- Серверные платформы Supermicro 19'' 4U/Tower (23)
- Серверные платформы Supermicro под виртуализацию (VMWare) (1)
- Серверные платформы Supermicro для видеонаблюдения (3)
- Комплектующие (1315)
- Блоки питания (10)
- Процессоры (511)
- Оперативная память (343)
- Контроллеры (45)
- Жесткие диски (406)
- Сервера безопасности (6)
- Серверы HP (9)
- Маршрутизаторы Cisco (1281)
- Cisco 7600 (40)
- Cisco 7600 Series (4)
- Cisco 7600 шасси (13)
- Cisco 7600 модули управления (15)
- Cisco 7600 SPA (8)
- Cisco ASR 900 (12)
- Cisco ASR1000 (74)
- Cisco ASR1001 (17)
- Cisco ASR1002-F (1)
- Cisco ASR1002-X (26)
- ASR1000 шасси (9)
- ASR1000-ESP (5)
- ASR1000-RP (2)
- ASR1000-SIP (2)
- ASR1000 SPA (1)
- Cisco ASR 5000 (9)
- Cisco ASR9000 (22)
- SM, NM, EVM модули (33)
- Память (29)
- Межсетевые экраны ASA (6)
- PVDM модули (17)
- Cisco SCE (6)
- Cisco 800 (67)
- Cisco 880 (2)
- Cisco 1100 (44)
- Cisco 1700 (4)
- Cisco 3700 (6)
- Cisco 1800 (12)
- Cisco 1900 (15)
- Cisco 2800 (26)
- Cisco 2900 (43)
- Cisco 3800 (20)
- Cisco 3900 (23)
- Cisco 4000 (34)
- Cisco 7200 (19)
- Cisco 7300 (1)
- Cisco NCS 5000 Series (3)
- Cisco NCS 6000 Series (1)
- EHWIC, HWIC, WIC, VIC, VWIC модули (46)
- Маршрутизаторы, комплектующие, лицензии (667)
- Cisco 7600 (40)
- Маршрутизаторы Juniper (243)
- Juniper MX Series (115)
- Juniper M Series (34)
- Juniper T Series (28)
- Juniper J Series (22)
- Juniper E/ERX Series (11)
- Juniper ACX Series (33)
- Маршрутизаторы Brocade (20)
- Brocade SLX серии (4)
- Brocade MLX серии (16)
- Маршрутизаторы HPE (25)
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- Лицензии Cisco (13660)
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каталог продукции
- Коммутаторы Cisco
- Коммутаторы Juniper
- Коммутаторы Huawei
- Коммутаторы Extreme
- Коммутаторы MikroTik
- Коммутаторы NSGate
- Коммутаторы Aruba (HPE)
- Оптические модули Cisco
- Видеоконференцсвязь
- Беспроводная связь
- Wireless Cisco
- Межсетевые экраны Cisco
- Межсетевые экраны Juniper
- Уплотнение CWDM/DWDM
- Модули
- VoIP / Телефония
- Серверы
- Маршрутизаторы Cisco
- Маршрутизаторы Juniper
- Маршрутизаторы Brocade
- Маршрутизаторы HPE
- Маршрутизаторы Mikrotik
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Конференц-станция Cisco CP-7937G IP предоставляет высочайший уровень голоса и служит для организации громкой связи в помещениях. Он предназначен для установки в помещениях для проведения конференций, в переговорных комнатах, кабинетах руководителей. IP конференц-телефон CP-7937G работает на современных технологиях VoIP Cisco (подключение исключительно по протоколу sccp), обеспечивая высокую функциональность, масштабируемость, удобство пользования. Высокое качество связи IP конференц-телефона Cisco CP-7937G создают ему высокую ценность применения в задачах бизнеса. С помощью данного IP конференц-телефона легко организовывать сеансы аудио конференц связи, проводить совместное обсуждение между офисами. Cisco CP-7937G имеет встроенный LCD дисплей с подсветкой, возможность присоединения дополнительных микрофонов, которые обеспечивают возможность применения в больших переговорных комнатах. Высокое качество динамика, микрофона, поддержка широкополосных кодеков делают IP конференц-телефон незаменимым для организации бизнес общения и улучшения коммуникаций внутри компании. Поддержка питания через через Ethernet (PoE) упрощает установку, а для сред без поддержки PoE существует дополнительный адаптер переменного тока.
Основные характеристики Cisco CP-7937G:
- Улучшенная широкополосная акустика с поддержкой широкополосного кодека G.722
- Поддержка IEEE питания через Ethernet (PoE) или Cisco Power Cube 3
- Расширение охвата, громкая связь в больших помещениях используется с комплектом дополнительных внешних микрофонов
- Большой жидкокристаллический дисплей (LCD) с подсветкой
Feature | Benefit |
Enhanced Audio Capabilities | |
Superior wideband acoustics |
• Wideband frequency response is more than double that of narrowband, resulting in a richer and clearer sound. • Enhances speech quality and speaker recognition. • Provides excellent voice quality for both wideband and narrowband calls. |
Expanded room coverage | Extends room coverage up to 30 feet by 40 feet with the optional Cisco Unified IP Conference Station 7937G microphone kit. |
Support for third-party wireless lapel microphone kit | Allows presenters to be easily heard even if walking away from the Cisco Unified IP Conference Station 7937G microphones. |
New Industrial Design | |
Large backlit LCD | Increases visibility even in dark areas (255 x 128 pixels). |
Enhanced dial keys | Makes dialing easier. |
Four soft keys | Quickens access to features. |
Enhanced Power Features | |
IEEE 802.3af line power | Local power supply is not required. |
Enhanced Software Features | |
Extensible Markup Language (XML) services | Support for Cisco XML services includes Cisco Unified Communications Manager and third-party directories, Cisco Web Dialer, Extension Mobility features, and Personal Assistant. |
Support for Cisco Unified Communications Manager | Supports Cisco Unified Communications Manager Releases 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, and 6.x. |
Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express and Cisco Smart Business Communications System | Support Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express Release 4.3 - 12.4(15)XZ and later. |
Global Support | |
Localizations provided within 6 months of FCS | Will include localized user interface and customer documentation. |
Directories | The Cisco Unified IP Conference Phone 8831 identifies incoming messages and categorizes them for users on the screen. This feature allows you to quickly and effectively return calls using direct dial-back capability. The corporate directory integrates with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Version 3 (LDAPv3) standard directory. |
Apps | The Apps soft key allows you to enter the Applications menu, where you are able to adjust display contrast, select background images (if available), and select from a large number of unique ringer sounds through the User Preference menu. Network configuration preferences also can be set up (usually by the system administrator). Configuration can be either automatically or manually set up for Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP), Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), Cisco Unified Communications Manager, and backup Cisco Unified Communications Manager instances. |
Help | The online Help feature gives you information about the phone keys, buttons, and features. The pixel display allows for more flexible feature navigation and significantly expands the information viewed when using features such as Services, Information, Messages, and Directory. For example, the Directory button can show local and server-based directory information. |
Hold, Mute, and Redial keys | The Mute key is a fixed key. When it is active, the LED flashes on the Cisco Unified IP Conference Phone 8831 as well as on the optional wired and wireless microphone kits. Hold and Redial are provided as soft keys associated with the screen, and are always at the same position for easy access. |
Display | The conference station has a large high-resolution, graphical 3.5-inch backlit display (396 x 162 pixels). |
Speakerphone |
The Cisco Unified IP Conference Phone 8831 offers full-duplex high-quality wideband speakerphone technology. Included are Automatic Gain Control, comfort-noise generation, silence suppression and voice activity detection, Echo Suppression, and dynamic noise reduction, which reduces noise by up to 9 dB from constant noise sources such as fans or heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. A two-way high-fidelity loudspeaker system provides superior speech clarity versus traditional conferencing systems. |
Volume control | The convenient Volume Control buttons on Cisco Unified IP Conference Phone 8831 provide for easy, decibel-level adjustments for the speakerphone and ringer. |
Quality-of-service (QoS) options | The Cisco Unified IP Conference Phone supports DHCP and 802.1Q/p standards. The conference station can also be configured with an 801.1Q VLAN header containing the VLAN ID overrides configured by the Admin VLAN ID. |
Multiple ring tones | User-adjustable ring tones are available. |
Security | The Cisco Unified IP Conference Phone 8831 supports device authentication through 802.1.x supplicant (TLS) and SRTP. |
Language support | Arabic (Arabic Area), Bulgarian (Bulgaria), Catalan (Spain), Chinese (China), Chinese (Hong Kong), Chinese (Taiwan), Croatian (Croatia), Czech (Czech Republic), Danish (Denmark), Dutch (Netherlands), English (United Kingdom), Estonian (Estonia), French (France), Finnish (Finland), German (Germany), Greek (Greece), Hebrew (Israel), Hungarian (Hungary), Italian (Italy), Japanese (Japan), Latvian (Latvia), Lithuanian (Lithuania), Korean (Korea Republic), Norwegian (Norway), Polish (Poland), Portuguese (Portugal), Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian (Romania), Russian (Russian Federation), Spanish (Columbia), Spanish (Spain), Slovak (Slovakia), Swedish (Sweden), Serbian (Republic of Serbia), Serbian (Republic of Montenegro), Slovenian (Slovenia), Thai (Thailand), Turkish (Turkey) |
Configuration options | You can configure IP address assignment statically or through the DHCP client. |
Directories | The Cisco Unified IP Conference Station 7937G identifies incoming messages and categorizes them for users on the screen. This feature allows users to quickly and effectively return calls using direct dial-back capability. The corporate directory integrates with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Version 3 (LDAPv3) standard directory. |
Settings | The Settings feature key allows the user to adjust display contrast, select background images (if available), and select from a large number of unique ringer sounds through the User Preference menu. Network Configuration preferences also can be set up (usually by the system administrator). Configuration can be either automatically or manually set up for Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP), Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), Cisco Unified Communications Manager, and backup Cisco Unified Communications Manager instances. |
Services | The Cisco Unified IP Conference Station 7937G allows users to quickly access diverse information such as weather, stocks, quote of the day, or any Web-based information. The Cisco Unified IP Conference Station 7937G uses XML to provide a portal to an ever-growing world of applications, features, and information. |
Help | The online Help feature gives users information about the phone keys, buttons, and features. The pixel display allows for more flexible feature navigation and significantly expands the information viewed when using features such as Services, Information, Messages, and Directory. For example, the Directory button can show local and server-based directory information. |
Hold, Mute, and Redial Keys | The Mute key is a fixed key. When it is active, the LED flashes on the Cisco Unified IP Conference Station 7937G as well as on the optional microphone kit. Hold and Redial are provided as soft keys associated with the screen, and are always at the same position for easy access. |
Display | The Conference Station has a large high-resolution, graphical 32 level grayscale, backlit display (255 x 128 pixels). |
Speakerphone | The Cisco Unified IP Conference Station 7937G offers full duplex high-quality wideband speakerphone technology. Included are Automatic Gain Control, Comfort Noise Generation, Silence Suppression/Voice Activity Detection, Echo Suppression, and Dynamic Noise Reduction, which reduces noise by up to 9 dB from constant noise sources such as fans or HVAC systems. |
Ethernet Switch | The internal Ethernet port allows for a direct connection to a 10/100BASE-T Ethernet network through an RJ-45 interface with single LAN connectivity for the Cisco Unified IP Conference Station 7937G. Co-locating a PC with the Cisco Unified IP Conference Station 7937G is not supported. |
Volume Control | The convenient Volume Control buttons on Cisco Unified IP Conference Station 7937G provide for easy, decibel-level adjustments for the speakerphone and ringer. |
Flexible Power Options | The Cisco Unified Conference Station 7937G supports IEEE 803.af PoE Class 3, which allows powering from any of the Cisco Inline Power-capable blades and boxes. In addition, the Conference Station can be powered locally with a power supply (part number CP-PWR-CUBE-3) when combined with the Cisco Unified IP Conference Station 7937G Power Splitter. |
Multiple Ring Tones | Twenty-eight user-adjustable ring tones are available. |
Signaling Protocol Support | The Cisco Unified IP Conference Station 7937G supports Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP). |
Codec Support | G.711, G.729, and G.722 audio compression codecs are available. |
Quality of Service (QoS) Options | The Cisco Unified IP Conference Station 7937G supports DHCP and 802.1Q/p standards. The Conference Station can also be configured with an 801.1Q VLAN header containing the VLAN ID overrides configured by the Admin VLAN ID. |
Security | The Cisco Unified IP Conference Station 7937G supports device authentication via 802.1.x supplicant and 802.1x MD5-EAP. |
Language Support | More than 30 languages will be supported within 6 months of FCS (dependent on Cisco Unified Communications Manager version). |
Configuration Options | IP address assignment can be statically configured or configured through the DHCP client. |
Voice Quality | Comfort-noise generation and voice activity detection (VAD) programming are performed on a system basis. |
Dimensions (H x W x D) | 15 3/8 x 141/2 x 2 5/8 inches. (39.05 x 36.83 x 6.67 cm) |
Weight | 2.3 lbs (1040 grams) |
Display | 3.07 x 1.42 inches (7.8 x 3.6 cm); 255 x 128 pixels |
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Конференц-станция Cisco CP-7937G
Артикул: CP-7937G